Wednesday 10 October 2012

Music | Missing Children

It seems that I have extremely talented people all around me.

All of my musically amazing friends are releasing their sounds into cyber space and it's making me most happy. Despite it making me a little envious that I have very few talents of my own, I love hearing their creations and thinking "I TOTALLY KNOW THOSE GUYS!" as well as seeing them perform around Sydney.

Another great band full of excellent people is Missing Children. Brain-baby of my friends Sophie and Dan, it has slowly grown in numbers as they develop their sound. This is a video they just released of them performing Paper Trail (one of my favourite songs of theirs, with an extremely blog relevant title) at Jungle Studios.

I can't stop listening to this song. It's so hauntingly beautiful. I love Sophie's enchanting voice, the beat, the guitar solos, the cello. Anyway, enough chatter. Here it is. Hope you guys dig it. ♥

Missing Children - Paper Trail

Their blog is here if you want to keep in the know about upcoming shows:

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